Entry 05

It’s SUPER POWER Day!!! Dun dun dun dun! Did you say that in your SUPER POWER voice?

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about your SUPER POWER (positive ones only)? Maybe it’s persuasion or decisiveness or insight or kindness…or sensitivity. Yes, sensitivity can be a SUPER POWER. It means that you have the ability to connect with people on a ‘feeling’ level. Believe it or not it brings you “inner peace”. No matter what your SUPER POWER it enhances who you are. Guardian Angel Metatron can help you with that.

“Metatron, please restore my SUPER POWER (name it), using your SUPER POWER that restores vibrancy in light and love. Thank you, Metatron.”

Now Activate Your Angels!


Entry 06


Entry 04