Entry 23

Day dreaming….Dream reading. Oneirology (from Greek) is the scientific study of dreams. They say to write down everything you remember from your dream(s) as soon as you wake up. What if you do the same thing from your daydreams even thinking back to your childhood daydreams? You were pointed in a certain direction as a child….I’m wondering if you’ve changed direction because of your trauma.

Psychologists say ‘dreams don’t come true - they are true’. So, take that premise and think back to childhood daydreams and your current ones OR maybe you don’t daydream anymore. In that it would be said that you’re avoiding the truth. Let’s bring in Guardian Angel Michael to locate your internal compass.

“Michael, I believe my compass might be spinning out of control and unable to find its true North anymore. In light and love I’m asking for your enlightened knowledge to lead me to my true path once again. Thank you, Michael.”

Activate Your Angel.


Entry 24


Entry 22