Entry 305

A pause may save your relationship. I’m not talking about separation. I’m talking about interchange and communication.

So many relationship are frayed or destroyed when we knee jerk our responses and comments about someone else close to us. All relationships should be nurtured. That means you need to pause, think, and maybe respond…or not.

Not every action requires a reaction. The stronger the action or comment or response the more a reaction might be needed, but everyone should be more proactive and not let a situation get to that point. And that comes with nurturing a relationship.

Chamuel and Gabriel offer up great thoughts on this stressful, common behavior.

“Chamuel and Gabriel, I know that some of my relationships get intense and that poses a threat to them. In light and love mediate these situations by guiding me ahead of the blowup and showing me the positive ways to resolution. Thank you, Chamuel and Gabriel.”

Activate Your Angels


Entry 306


Entry 304