Entry 334

Expectations can defeat even the strongest let alone those of us who fight the battles of trauma.

Always anticipating the next event, the next moment, the next message finds us losing sight of today.

We do need to be mindful of our celestial messages coming through. We need to do that though in the moment.

Raphael’s gift of finding the positive in every situation combined with Metatron’s enlightening messages and Jophiel’s unlimited capacity for understanding come in handy.

Raphael, Metatron, and Jophiel, slowing down and savoring the moment are needed for my out of control expectations. As I progress in my healing journey, in light and love, flood me with messages that guide me in remaining in today and not worrying about tomorrow. Thank you, Raphael, Metatron, and Jophiel.”

Activate Your Angels


Entry 335


Entry 333