Entry 441

I joke a lot of times that I’m aimlessly wandering due to a type of amnesia. There’s a medical term for it, but I won’t bother you with it.

Edgar Allan Poe used this mental state quite eloquently in his poem The Ballad.

Poe’s subject doesn’t recognize his surroundings and doesn’t appear to be aware of why he’s there. It goes to point out that the month is unknown or that the date (Halloween) is important. Whalah…aimless wondering due to amnesia.

Trauma survivors and strugglers often find themselves in this state. They use it as a coping mechanism.

Laviah brings us back to reality.

“Laviah, in light and love, please jog me back to the real world whenever I have a tendency to mentally escape from it. I don’t want to use it as an excuse or as a setback in my healing journey. Thank you, Laviah.”

Activate Your Angel


Entry 442


Entry 440