Entry 476

The holidays can get ‘noisy’. If you have children they are notorious for holiday bedlam to get attention. Shopping mall noise levels increase exponentially. So, how do you bring peace into the equation? You accomplish this by claiming internal peace. You practice peace loading….no negative thoughts and as much harmony as possible.

With family you’re intentional about spending time them …regularly during the holidays. Solicit their help with holiday prep and planning…make them fun. Don’t worry about perfection. Then remember - what gets done gets done and what doesn’t doesn’t matter. Metatron and Raguel facilitate peace loading.

“Metatron and Raguel, in light and love I need your guiding ways to erase negative thoughts and chaotic situations, and bring harmony to my relationships. Thank you, Metatron and Raguel.”

Activate Your Angels


Entry 477


Entry 475