Entry 488
‘7654321’ - remember that song? Numbers play a key role in life. Music is numerical. Decisions generally are based on numbers of some kind. Numbers in and of themselves have meanings for life.
To ease you through the holidays here’s a numbered exercise. Close your eyes. What do you see? What’s another thing that you see? Do that five times. Now do the same thing with hearing…..listening. What are you hearing? What’s something else that you’re hearing? Do that five times. Repeat this exercise for what you smell, what you feel, and even what you taste. We’ll use Michael on this journey and if you know you’re Guardian Angel bring him along, too.
“Michael, in light and love I want to have my senses heightened in this moment, moving me into a calmer realm. The energy this brings me I need to use for positivity as I continue my holiday journey. Thank you, Michael.”
Activate Your Angel.