Entry 494
Story time brings back memories of adults reading interesting and exciting stories out loud to us as we sat mesmerized with our imaginations flying at max speed. They were adventurous and thought-provoking , staying with us long after story time was over. Even Santa enjoyed reading all of our stories.
Story time for us now as adults holds a twist. We took a lot of those childhood books to heart. It’s time to re-story them - re-write those things that reside negatively in us. It’s a real thing and not just during the holidays. When you re-story you bust up chaos, stress, and joy draining influences.
Jophiel can step in and be your re-story scribe.
‘Jophiel, in light and love I need your chaos busting, stress relieving and joy filling charm so that I can remove all things negative in the re-story of my holidays. Thank you, Jophiel.”
Activate Your Angel