Entry 184
Fixating on others. It’s almost become a national pastime. This person is better looking. That person makes more money. That person has more friends….STOP!
Stop and ask yourself - why does that make me feel bad?
Nine times out of 10 whatever answer you come up with is as superficial as the fixation itself. You’re distressing yourself . Those people aren’t…you are. Over unimportant things. I say unimportant because your happiness does not hinge on the superficial. It hinges on the time and work that you put in to find happiness.
Raphael and Gabriel pair up to show you the way.
“Raphael and Gabriel, in light and love, quell the bombardment of superficial images and thoughts that have no value in my life. Reduce the volume on those and enhance the volume on the happiness providers. Thank you, Raphael and Gabriel.”
Activate Your Angels