Entry 269

Don’t wait until you figure everything out. How many times have you heard that?

Well, if you don’t want to hear that anymore that’s a sign that it’s time to get on with it.

No one will ever figure out what our life plans fully involve. No one. I love that because that makes life more of an adventure.

Adventure scares some. Does it scare you?

If it does then just move a little slower, but don’t stop moving. You will figure out more things as you go.

Zadkiel loves life adventures.

“Zadkiel, I’m thinking that it’s time to start moving forward to explore what my life plans can be - some of the possibilities. In light and love help me to discern the most appropriate ones and then help me to move forward at a speed that improves my success. Thank you, Zadkiel.”

Activate Your Angel


Entry 270


Entry 268