Entry 345
Becoming friends with your future self. What a great idea!
Psychologists would tell us that many are more inept than grateful for our connection with time.
For many our future selves seem soooo far away that we tend to lead our lives in the moment, giving the future only a passing glance. In doing this though our ‘now’ us gets shortchanged as happiness is fleeting.
There are a few things that we can do according to H. Hershfield in his book, “Your Future Self: How to Make Tomorrow Better Today”.
Jeremiel can assist.
“Jeremiel, in light and love, help me to start conversations with myself about my future, considering those things that will remain constant. Then, also in light and love, help me to see myself in the future, even as an old person, and think about the things that the future self may thank me for. Thank you, Jeremiel.”
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