Entry 424
One of my biggest pet peeves involves people who constantly interrupt others and won’t let them speak. For me it’s maddening. Is it for you?
Because of this, professionals have started offering several communication tools to counter this social malady.
They include such things as asking to offer a different perspective or apologizing for interrupting. (That’s interesting.)
They offer ‘excusing’ yourself as you interject and pointing out that you have something worthy of the conversation.
Using ‘joiners’ like “while we’re on that topic” or asking to share an idea or clarifying the other person’s point gets your voice into the mix.
Gabriel and Zachariel would love to join your conversations.
“Gabriel and Zachariel, in light and love, with internal strength prompt me when to speak up and help me form the appropriate interjection to allow my voice to be heard. Thank you, Gabriel and Zachariel.”
Activate Your Angels