Entry 480
Fun day!! This is a fun day. As kids one of the fun things to do in the Winter involved making snow angels. Just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean you still can’t make them. Some of you are saying right now, ‘but I don’t have any snow’. Don’t stress. You don’t need anymore stress. You can make snow angels anywhere.
Step one: mess up your bed. Step two: lay down in the mess. If you have really fluffy pillows use them too, Step three: make your angel. Close your eyes and picture yourself out in the snow. Feel the joy in those motions. Inhale the freshness of making snow angels…without the cold maybe. Now don’t just do this but bring in Gabriel who can enhance your joy.
“Gabriel, you celebrate life. You bring joy. In light and love show me how to fully experience the joy of being a kid in the moment of making snow angels, and making this a fun day. Thank you, Gabriel.”
Activate Your Angel.